Friday, January 3, 2020
Intimate Partner Violence And Sexual Violence - 2050 Words
This is a scholarly paper making focus on the very critical topic â€Å"Intimate Partner Violence†. Intimate Partner Violence has been considered to be as a significant public health problem in which various violence are included such as physical violence, sexual violence, stalking and psychological aggression getting by the aggrieved people from their current as well as future intimate partner. This problem has been considered as a very critical one as it impacts immediately and leaves the lifelong consequences on the victim. There are a number of studies that have been undertaken on this topic wherein a significant number of cases of death and injury were found due to intimate partner violence. The increasing rate of crime at the global level forces us to make focus on these topics so that; we can understand the real impact of the same over the future generation and corrective actions can be taken today. Introduction: The intimate partner violence is one of the most common ways for abusing the rights of a common person and these forms are normally physical, sexual, mental and emotional harassments. Intimate partner violence happens in all settings and among all financial, religious and social gatherings. The staggering worldwide weight of intimate partner violence is borne by ladies and female groups. This intimate partner violence are categorized based of kinds of behavior that accuse or victimize, such as beating, kicking and slapping, hitting are the acts of physicalShow MoreRelatedIntimate Partner Violence And Sexual Violence1861 Words  | 8 PagesIntimate Partner Violence According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious, preventable public health problem that affects millions of Americans and is described as a type of harm caused by a current or former partner or spouse and may consists of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse; it does not discriminate, can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples, and does not require sexual intimacy. The CDC administered a survey in 2010Read MoreIntimate Partner And Sexual Violence1555 Words  | 7 PagesNational Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence 2010 survey, will provide statistical information on victims who experienced one or more violent crimes from their husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. These crimes arrange from stalking, rape, to physical and mental abuse. It will examine the impact of intimate partner violence on gender, race, and ethnicity. This report will give an overview of health consequences and the implications for preve ntion for Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence. LastlyRead MoreIntimate Partner Violence And Sexual Abuse2163 Words  | 9 Pages Introduction Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is one of the many public health problems that currently affects people around the world, across the country and within our own communities. Sexual abuse, physical abuse as well as the psychological abuse are some examples of violence experienced by individuals in some relationships, which are the results of the violence perpetrated by either the current or the former partner. Although intimate partner violence is a very serious problem, it can be preventableRead MoreIntimate Partner Violence And Sexual Abuse2150 Words  | 9 Pages â€Å"Intimate partner violence†(IPV) not only includes spousal abuse (as does â€Å"domestic violence†), but also extends to unmarried, cohabiting, and same-sex couples. Moreover, IPV, is also not restricted to physical abuse; threats of physical abuse, or sexual abuse, and emotional abuse are all considered different forms of intimate partner violence. Intimate partner violence is a major public heal th concern in the United States that often results in terrible consequences for victims, families, andRead MoreIntimate Partner Violence And Sexual Abuse Essay1080 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom intimate partner violence are more likely to be parents who mistreat their own children. The explanation that links these two together is dissociation, which allows parents who are abusers to remain distant from and minimize sympathy toward their victims. Additionally, there is a higher rate of dissociation disorders among intimate partner violence survivors and perpetrators. The objective of the study performed by Webermann, Brand, and Chasson in 2004 was to see how prevalent intimate partnerRead MoreIntimate Partner Violence And Sexual Relationships1379 Words  | 6 PagesIntimate Partner Violence One of the biggest problems that have been happening in some households over the last numbers of years is intimate partner violence (IPV). IPV has been identified as a world-wide public health concern (Kulwicki and Miller, 1999). The term intimate partner violence has been defined as the physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual abuse between a person and their spouse, this includes cohabitation and marriage. This type of violence will usually involve harm/control from oneRead MoreEmotional And Emotional Effects Of Domestic Violence1503 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic violence, or as Daigle calls it, intimate partner violence, comes in different forms. One of these forms is intimate terrorism, which involves severe, persistent and frequent abuse that tends to get worse as time goes on. The abusive partner needs to feel like he or she has the power and control of the relationship. This type of intimate partner violence is likely to result in serious injury, the worst of which is death. An other kind of intimate partner violence is situational couple violenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Intimate Partner Violence On Children1469 Words  | 6 PagesEffects of Intimate Partner Violence on Children Just about everyone out there can say they know someone who has been affected my intimate partner violence. Or most often they have been a victim themselves but the point is intimate partner violence is so widespread that it has often been referred to as an epidemic. Most dictionaries roughly define the word epidemic as affecting many people at the same time or a rapid increase or spread in the occurrence of something. That right there can easily beRead MoreIntimate Partner Violence And Domestic Violence1098 Words  | 5 PagesREMINGTON COLLEGES INC. Intimate Partner Violence Domestic violence Cheyannica Newson 12/16/2014 â€Æ' What is intimate partner violence? Intimate partner violence is when a partner is physical and sexually abused. Intimate violence can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples. Twenty seven percent of women and nearly 12% of men in the United States have experienced contact sexual, violence, physical, or stalking by an intimate partner (Prevent Domestic Violence in Your Community, 2014)Read MoreSexual Assault Prevention Seminar For College Students Essay1220 Words  | 5 PagesViolence against women is defined as any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result inâ€â€physical, sexual/psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of acts such as coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private. Its dimensions include physical, sexual, psychological/emotional and economic violence occurring in the family. Violence against women includes domestic violence, child marriage, forced pregnancy, and other
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